Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Mother's Rage: Reaction to Ignorant People

I have previously stated that I have set up a YouTube channel in my son's name. The purpose is to promote awareness, share part of our lives, and to let other families dealing with Autism that they are not alone.

If you would like to view it the address is .
I have never received negative comments on this channel of any kind.

Until the other day. I logged in just to check on the channel because I hadn't checked it in a few weeks. I noticed there was a "new comments" notification. I clicked on it. It was a comment on the video titled "Evelio's Autism 5.25.12 Playing At McDonalds". The comment was:

"Throw that retard in the deep fryer!!"

My first reaction was to just stare at the screen. I was completely speechless. Then I burst out crying. I was crying for two reasons
1) I was highly upset that anyone could even think something so cruel.
2) I was extremely (and still am) angry that someone had the nerve to say such a thing about anyone, but ESPECIALLY my child!

Naturally, I went to this person's profile. His/her screen name is "multisnootylives1". It is basically an anonymous profile. The stated age is 23. I did report he/she as a cyberbullying, however I am not sure what YouTube will do considering this wasn't harrassment. He/She said one thing and that was it. However, the nature of what was said is horrible.

I am absolutely disgusted by this comment. I do not understand what makes people say or think this kind of thing about anyone. I am even more angry that I have no way of retaliating against this person. People say to move on, keep your head up, and your above them.

EFF that!

I don't want to be above them. I want to yell and scream and shout at that ignorant S.O.B. I want to let them know how cowardly he/she is to hide behind an anonymous profile! I know damn well I and above he or she, but that doesn't mean I don't wish I had the power to tell them where to stick it!

I am sure as he grows, we probably will encounter more and more bullying and terrible comments. Small children are bound to notice he is different and will probably voice this because they won't know any better. But once those children get to be a certain age, they should know better than to make fun of a special needs child.

I am sure most parents would feel the same if they were in my situation. I am thankful for one thing:

Evelio has no idea what it means.

And I hope he NEVER grasps what is being said. The kind of emotional damage bullying that this can cause is almost always irrereversible. . .


  1. I got a comment from the same person. There are trolls in the world & all you can do is the best you can to shield your kids. Love your blog!

    1. Thank you :) I just saw your comment! I really need to check manually because I get NO notifications :/

      Anyhow thank you for reading :)
